Our Partners

Star Energy is partnered with technical experts to maximise lessons from projects across Europe and around the World. On some projects, we work with commercial partners to deliver heat networks as part of an integrated project, and with a wide cross-section of industry experts to seek continued Government support for this rapidly growing, proven, technology.

Who we work with


SSE is a leading low carbon energy company with a core focus on renewables and economically regulated electricity networks – complemented by businesses enabling the net zero transition. To learn more about how SSE’s distributed energy division helps companies, people and places transition to net zero visit their website below.

Renewable Energy Association

Star Energy is a member of the Renewable Energy Association. To learn more about how they envision a future built on renewable energy and clean technology visit the website below.


Erdwerk is an independent planning office that offers hydrogeological and boring-related consultancy services for developing and implementing geothermal energy projects. It specialises in utilising thermal water and groundwater for energy-based and balneological uses. Erdwerk’s dynamic team supports us in all the planning, implementing and supervising processes of our projects. Between 2002 and 2011 Erdwerk has planned and supervised 65,760.4 drilling metres.


GeoServ’s experts have extensive experience in geothermal consultancy including geological and reservoir model development, hydrogeology, planning and environmental and regulatory aspects of geothermal schemes. GeoServ has worked internationally providing services to private sector clients as well and government agencies on geothermal resource assessment studies and resource development projects.