Stoke-on-Trent Project
This District Heat Network project is in the Etruria Valley, Stoke-on-Trent and is being undertaken in partnership with SSE and the City of Stoke-on-Trent Council. The plant is expected to produce between 12 and >20MW of energy which will be better defined once the first well has been drilled. At this stage more than 40Gwhrs/year of demand have been identified that could be supplied from the plant and it expected that this could grow to more than 80 depending on the final heat power supply once this has been determined.
The use of heat network’s is one part of a wider integrated energy networks approach to decarbonisation of buildings in the city and has been a commitment to develop and grow since 2015 when Cabinet and Council approved the delivery of the initial phases of work and enabling activities.
This project has applied to the Green Heat Network Fund for funding.